Terms of Service (career and study mentoring)
The Learned Crew Pty Ltd (ABN 31 629 238 339) (TLC, we, us, our) provides our career and/or study mentoring services to individuals (Services) in accordance with these Terms of Service (Terms). By accepting our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms.
1. Supply
We will supply the Services to you as quoted and agreed and in accordance with clause 3(a), for the period of time as agreed in the quote (Term), subject to you paying us in accordance with clause 2.
2. Prices and charges
(a) You agree to pay for the Services at the price quoted by us, in advance (and at least within 7 days of a request to pay). Prices are as quoted to you in writing. If charged on an hourly basis, we will also charge you for each part of an hour that we spend providing Services to you on a pro rata basis.
(b) We will confirm with you the time/s and date/s we can meet with you to provide the Services after we receive your advance payment.
(c) The prices are subject to change upon reasonable written notice to you (except we won't change any price that we have already quoted you for a specific Service and that you have already accepted).
(d) If you need to cancel a session with us, you agree to give us at least 24 hours' notice by emailing hello@thelearnedcrew.com or phoning us directly. If you fail to give us notice in this way and don't turn up, we may keep the fees you have already paid, or charge for that Service, at our reasonable discretion.
3. Obligations
Let's work together to ensure we both do right by each other.
(a) TLC will:
provide you with the Services we agreed to provide (but we will NOT be doing your exams or assignments for you);
turn up to each session on time; and
keep your personal information confidential (unless you give us permission to share it).
(b) You agree:
to turn up to each session on time;
to provide us with any information reasonably requested (including but not limited to your CV etc) as related to the Services we are providing you;
that you are solely responsible for complying with your educational institution's rules regarding academic conduct and plagiarism;
that you are solely responsible for the work you submit to your educational institution and any result that follows (that includes verifying facts, laws, cases, principles, methods of study and any other resources);
we do not make any representation to you about the results or grades you may achieve, or any job or career you may obtain as a result of using our Services. You are responsible for taking action you deem appropriate and are responsible for the results;
the Services do not constitute legal advice in any way;
you are responsible for your own safety when we meet with you; and
to release and indemnify us from any loss, damage, cost, expense or liability that may arise as a result or in connection with the provision of the Services, that are caused or contributed to by you.
4. Termination
(a) It would be really sad to see you go (and we hope it doesn't happen). But if you need to cancel the Services altogether, you must give us at least 1 month's written notice. By written notice, we mean you can send us an email or a letter.
(b) We can also cancel the Services at our discretion by giving you 1 month's written notice. We may also terminate if we believe in our reasonable discretion that there is any safety risk to us or our staff, if you engage in any academic misconduct, if you bring The Learned Crew's reputation into disrepute, or if you breach these Terms and are unable to fix that breach within 7 days' written notice.
5. Governing Law
The governing law of these Terms is New South Wales.