Online Courses

Summer Clerkship Course

This free course gives you the no filter guide to nailing (not failing) the law firm summer clerkship and covers topics such as taking instructions, capacity, who’s who at the firm, confidentiality, networking, and much more.

Send an email to or sign up at the Contact page, to receive your course link.

Express your interest for our online in-house counsel simulation experience! With the rise of the in-house counsel, but a lack of awareness from law students of what an in-house lawyer actually does, this course will give you a look inside the house, and teach you the skills required to be a successful in-house counsel. Get on our waiting list by signing up at the Contact page. This will mean you are the first to hear about it once the course is released!

Note: these courses are for your information and experience only. There is no accreditation available for completing these courses. Courses and materials do not constitute legal advice.