Online course terms and conditions

By enrolling in this course, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. You agree to pay The Learned Crew Pty Ltd (TLC) the advertised fee for the course. The fee is payable upon enrolment in the course.

  2. The course is self-paced and may be completed at your discretion. 

  3. You acknowledge that this course is for your information and experience only. Information provided is generic and is not tailored to your circumstances or location. You must undertake your own enquiries relevant to your circumstances and location.

  4. You agree to use your best efforts in this course and to treat your course convenor and other students with respect. You agree to not make any statement or introduce any material into the course or the platform that is inappropriate, offensive or discriminatory. You agree not to introduce any virus, malware or other material that may cause damage or harm to TLC, the online external platform, or other students in the course. You indemnify TLC for all loss, costs, expenses and damages caused due to breach of this clause.

  5. You acknowledge that this course does not constitute legal advice. 

  6. You acknowledge that you will not receive official accreditation or certification for completing this course, however you will receive a completion badge for use or display at your discretion.

  7. TLC does not make any warranties or guarantees about your future or job prospects by participating in this course. 

  8. You acknowledge that this course is provided through an online external platform and relies on your ability to access the platform and the internet. If you have any technical or other issues with the platform, we will use reasonable endeavours to address the issue and/or will contact the external platform administrator to address the issue. Please contact TLC either through the platform’s messaging function or by emailing to raise any issues.

  9. All content and materials in this course and on TLC’s website (, and The Learned Crew name and logo, are the intellectual property of TLC and may not be reproduced, copied, amended or used, in whole or in part, in any way or in any format, without TLC’s express written consent. You indemnify TLC for all loss, costs, expenses and damages caused due to breach of this clause.

  10. By providing your name and email address, you consent to receiving emails and promotions about TLC and its products and services from time to time. You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing ‘unsubscribe’ to TLC will otherwise not use your personal details or share them with anyone else, without your express written consent.

  11. TLC complies with The Australian Consumer Law in relation to refunds. However TLC will not provide a refund if you change your mind about the course or if you decide not to complete it.