Preparing the next generation of LAWYERS for the real world of law
We’re passionate about training & connecting our future learned leaders with the mentors of this moment
This is the first clerkship program in Australia that has been specifically designed for the in-house market. We started this clerkship program to create new and unique opportunities for law students to gain work experience in a growing segment of the legal profession, and for in-house lawyers to easily give back to the next generation of lawyers and have energetic young talent to help them within their busy in-house functions.
We know how hard it is to train and onboard new people and to keep up with current skills and demands. Whether you need to train an intern, graduate, secondee, new starter or an experienced lawyer, or even test a prospective applicant, we’ve designed training modules which simulate real legal environments and test your employees on the content and skills they need to know to thrive in your organisation.